
C++ Example application and service that utilizes up-transport-zenoh-cpp

Primary LanguageC++


C++ Example application and service that utilizes up-client-zenoh-cpp

Getting Started


  • Compiler: GCC/G++ 11 or Clang 13
  • Ubuntu 22.04
  • conan : 1.59 or latest 2.X

up-client-zenoh-cpp dependencies

Use the up-conan-recipes repo and compile the following recipes:

$ conan create --version 1.6.0 --build=missing up-core-api/developer $ conan create --version 1.0.1-rc1 --build=missing up-cpp/developer $ conan create --version 1.0.0-dev --build=missing up-transport-socket-cpp/developer

How to Build

$ cd up-zenoh-example-cpp
$ conan install --build=missing .
$ cmake --preset conan-release
$ cd build/Release
$ cmake --build . -- -j

Debug Build

$ cd up-zenoh-example-cpp
$ conan install --build=missing --settings=build_type=Debug .
$ cmake --preset conan-debug
$ cd build/Debug
$ cmake --build . -- -j