
[MySQL] errors during test for graal native-compile project

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above v4.5.1. v4.5.0 works fine.


I try to use graalvm to build a vertx project. in the phase of collecting metadata, test suites run as below:

mvn -Pnative -Dagent=true test

but mysql just not work. error message below:

ClosedConnection Failed to read any response from the server, the underlying connection may have been lost unexpectedly.

but if i run surefire:test, it works fine.

Do you have a reproducer?

A reproducer is a simple project hosted on GitHub (or another forge supporting git clone operation) that has a build file that can be executed to reproduce the issue.

Reproducers are very helpful for contributors and will likely help them fixing your bug faster.

Steps to reproduce

  1. mvn kotlin:test-compile
  2. use a mysql database, and change the test file to adjust config
  3. mvn -Pnative -Dagent=true surefire:test
  4. mvn -Pnative -Dagent=test test


  • I had tried on MacOS/arm64 and Linux/amd64, all produce the issue.