
Disable batching for high traffic priorities

Mallets opened this issue · 0 comments


Zenoh supports publishing data with different priorities.
As of today, 7 traffic classes are available:

  • RealTime
  • InteractiveHigh
  • InteractiveLow
  • DataHigh
  • Data
  • DataLow
  • Background

Batching technique is automatically applied to all traffic classes to optimise network bandwidth and maximise throughput.
However, automatic batching comes at the cost of slightly higher latency (few microseconds) to any data publication.
Nevertheless, specific traffic classes like RealTime, InteractiveHigh, and InteractiveLow are meant for latency sensitive data.

Intended outcome

Automatic batching should be configurable and disabled by default for latency sensitive data.

How will it work?

Queue configuration should include a parameter to enable/disable automatic batching per traffic class.
No changes are expected to the API.