
Inner class <name>SumProcedure in abstractLazyPrimitiveIterable.stg should widen sum type for int, short, etc.

donraab opened this issue · 2 comments

Today, the generated code for lazy int returns the following, which will overflow silently for large sums.

    private static final class IntSumProcedure implements IntProcedure
        private int sum = 0;

        public void value(int each)
            this.sum += each;

        public int getValue()
            return this.sum;

This was a Project Loom code example in a test that I wrote that failed (using Java 20):

    public void usingLoomWithEclipseCollectionsLazyAsParallel()
        long sum = Interval.oneTo(2_000_000)
                .asParallel(Executors.newVirtualThreadPerTaskExecutor(), 2)
                .sumOfInt(each -> each * 2);

        long expected = IntInterval.oneTo(2_000_000).asLazy().collectInt(each -> each * 2).sum();
        Assertions.assertEquals(expected, sum);

Expected :1387447424
Actual :4000002000000

A similar test could be written in Java 8 without using asParallel.

Hi, can you assign this issue to me?

Thanks for volunteering @emilie-robichaud ! I have assigned the issue to you.