
Multiple (Three) messages are received after subscription in place of single message

sachinmunot opened this issue · 1 comments


I am using m2MQTT Library in one of our application for connecting RabbitMQ Broker.

The application is into production and sometimes three messages are received (repeats the same messages) in place of Single message after subscription.

I am publishing to broker with QoS1 with clean session set to false, retain flag true and it publishes only single message.

Subscribing with QoS2,with clean session set to false

Could you please help what could be the reason? Is this a bug?

RabbitMQ Version : 3.7.7, Erlang 21.0.1
M2MQTT Version : 4.3.0

I have the same issue.
As far as I know, this is against the MQTT protocol, so it seems to be a bug.