
Initialize nodejs path used in the launch according the OS

Closed this issue · 3 comments

Today, nodejs path is hard coded. It should be better to initialize nodejs path according teh OS

  • try to find nodejs path in the known directory according the OS (ex :C:/Program Files/nodejs/node.exe for Windows, /usr/local/bin/node for linux)
  • if not found, try to retrieve node inside PATH env.

In other words:

  • create a org.eclipse.languageserver.util.NodejsHelper class
  • provide a NodejsHelper#getNodejsPath() which retrieve node path.

I have already done that for and If you are interesed, I could do a PR.

I had in mind, once the support for CSS, JS and C# are in a separate bundle, to consume the JSDT node.js integrations and runners for those. What do you think about it?

the JSDT node.js integrations doesn't support this feature if I remember. NodejsHelper is a very basic class. You could remove to JSDT node.js integration after.

Fixed with c5ef849 and 2e8fb0f