
[Outline/Symbols] misses "Link With Editor"

Closed this issue · 9 comments

The LSP-based outline misses the "Link with editor" feature.

Also double click should work for outline elements.

What do you expect from double-click: expand of go to element in editor?

What do you expect from double-click: expand of go to element in editor?

I was thinking about go to element in editor. This is default behavior for JDT and other outlines. I think this project should be consistent with main plugins. To be specific double click is showing element and selecting it.

Yeah. I'm currently trying to reuse/mimic things from Project Explorer for consistency sake.

Most projects overrides default 'expand' on double click behavior ;)

I think expand is the default in Project Explorer, unless a linkHelper works for the selected node.

From my experience link helper should only shows elements in opened editors. As an example you can take a look at org.eclipse.ui.internal.navigator.resources.workbench.ResourceLinkHelper. To provide double click for model elements plugins overrides org.eclipse.ui.navigator.resources.OpenActions action provider.

This issue is actually quite tricky as the CNF APIs don't seem to expose the LinkHelpersService to customers and because there is no good class to use/subclass that provides it. It most likely needs some additions to CNF APIs.