
[Outline] Support for all containerName != null

Closed this issue · 7 comments

I believe that not all LS will provide symbols information ready to be converted to tree. It would be nice to have outline option to switch between tree/flat structure. By flat structure I mean list of SymbolInformation elements as is.

How would an option be helpful? What about showing a Tree when there are enough informations, and a list otherwise? I believe the current TreeContentProvider already works that way.

Hmm if we can detect when tree cannot be created then I think it will be the best solution. I'm talking about case where e.g. there are no elements with containerName=null. Such case will result with empty outline. I have such problem in PHP LS. Class has containerName because its in namespace but namespace isn't indexed (stored in symbols set). I understand that most probably such situation should be fixed in LS but it would be nice to have plan B :)

Yes, good point! Works as expected when I changed getElement into -> getParent(symbol) == null).toArray();

Would you like to make a PR or do you prefer me to implement this change?

If you have time make PR, if not I will do this tomorrow :)

Fixed with b75055c