
How to validate with schema id?

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I don't understand how to validate json when you have schema id

For eg, i added many schemas automatically to SchemaValidator

 val validator = new SchemaValidator(Some(Version7))
 val schema1: SchemaType = Json.fromJson('{"$id": "foo", "type": string}').get
 val schema2: SchemaType = Json.fromJson('{"$id": "bar", "type": string}').get

And finally i want to validate like that: validator.validate("foo", ""my json input"")
I don't want to instantiate SchemaType for foo

I think what you ask for is currently not possible, since you need a schema, but we could add support for validating based on $id in the future. addSchema right now is used to make schemas known to the validator when using $refs, so the schema should contains the respective $ref` you want to validate against. Your example right now would look as follows:

val schema1: SchemaType = JsonSource.schemaFromString(
    |{ "type": "string" }
val schema2: SchemaType = JsonSource.schemaFromString(
    |{ "type": "number" }
val validator = SchemaValidator(Some(Version7))
  .addSchema("foo", schema1)
  .addSchema("bar", schema2)
val schemaFoo = JsonSource.schemaFromString(
    |{ "$ref": "foo" }
val schemaBar = JsonSource.schemaFromString(
    |{ "$ref": "bar" }
val schemaBaz = JsonSource.schemaFromString(
    |{ "$ref": "baz" }

// these succeed
validator.validate(schemaFoo, JsString("foo")).isSuccess must beTrue
validator.validate(schemaBar, JsNumber(42)).isSuccess must beTrue

// these fail because of wrong types
validator.validate(schemaFoo, JsNumber(42)).isError must beTrue
validator.validate(schemaBar, JsString("foo")).isError must beTrue

// these fail because baz can not be resolved
validator.validate(schemaBaz, JsString("foo")).isError must beTrue
validator.validate(schemaBaz, JsNumber(42)).isError must beTrue

Does this help?

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