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​ This section is used to record the papers updated in the past week.


Problem description, Modeling and Elicitation(7)

Problem Projection(5)

Problem Progression(8)

Quality Requirements(43)

Timing requirements(8)

Security requirements(10)

Privacy requirements(6)

Adaptive requirements(14)


  • Xiaohong Chen, Zhiwei Zhong, Zhi Jin, Min Zhang, Tong Li, Xiang Chen, Tingliang Zhou, Automating Consistency Verification of Safety Requirements for Railway Interlocking Systems, 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 308-318
  • Yixing Luo, Yijun Yu, Zhi Jin, Haiyan Zhao, Environment-Centric Safety Requirements for Autonomous Unmanned Systems, 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 410-415
  • Zhi Jin, Environment-Centric Self-Adaptivity for Autonomous Systems in Smart Spaces, 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference Workshops (REW), pp. 214-215.
  • Bin Yin, Zhi Jin and Zhi Li, Reliability Concerns in the Problem Frames Approach and System Reliability Enhancement Patterns , Chinese Journal of Computers (in Chinese), volume 36 number 1, pages 74-87, January 2013, doi:10.3724/SP.J.1016.2013.00074.
  • Zhuoqun Yang, Zhi Li, Zhi Jin and Yunchuan Chen. A Systematic Literature Review of Requirements Modeling and Analysis for Self-Adaptive Systems. C.Salinesi and I.van de Weerd (Eds.): 20th International Working Conference on Requirements Engineering: Foundation for Software Quality (REFSQ 2014), LNCS, volume 8396, pp.55-71, Springer, Essen, Germany, April 2014, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-05843-6_5. This paper has been selected as the only Best Paper Award Winner in REFSQ 2014!

Requirements (System) Analysis, Validation, Verification and Simulation(9)

Formal modeling(2)

Problem elicitation(2)


  • Zhi Li, Towards Tool Support for Problem-Oriented Software Engineering using Knowledge-Based Techniques, IWAAPO, pp. 42-44, 32th International Conference on Software Engineering (ICSE'10), Cape Town, South Africa, May 2010.


Invited Talk

  • DMSVIVA2018 Invited Talk
  • iSQE2019 Invited Talk


Zhi Jin, Xiaohong Chen, Zhi Li, Yijun Yu, RE4CPS: Requirements Engineering for Cyber-Physical Systems, 2019 IEEE 27th International Requirements Engineering Conference, pp. 496-497.

  • Slides for RE4CPS-part I
  • Slides for RE4CPS-part II

Poster and Demo📕

Xiaohong Chen, Bin Yin, Zhi Jin. DPTool: A Tool for Guiding the Problem Description and the Problem Projection. 18th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2010, pp. 401-402.

  • DPTool-Abstract

Han Bian, Xiaohong Chen, Zhi Jin, Lin Liu. Smart3E: Enabling End Users to Express Their Needs for Smart Homes. 29th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference, 2021.

  • Smart3E-Abstract
  • Smart3E-Appendix