
PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied

njirutitus opened this issue · 7 comments

I get this error when I try to send a message in public chat group after customization. Are there any firebase rules I need to change concerning this:

Thanks @TarikHuber for the help But it seems I had already published those rules yet am still getting the same error.

This is the warning that comes on the console.
@firebase/database: FIREBASE WARNING: set at /group_chat_messages/public_chat/-MOkx4Q2EFcHwRJMJXFX failed: permission_denied

Could you pls check if you are using the project where you published the rules.

@TarikHuber I can confirm I am cause Everything works well apart from the public chat.

I finally figured it out. My /group_chat_messages/public_chat/ was missing the members child collection. Just added it manually from the firebase console with a child of all: true

iwhen I open http://localhost:3000/posts no posts, when I click fab btn
I have
PERMISSION_DENIED: Permission denied

@UseMuse the posts are still work in progress. The have nothing to do with this issue.