
Firebase Phone number authentication not working

harshkurra opened this issue · 2 comments

In my application, I have also added the captcha key under project settings->App-check, but still it is not working

I am taking look over this issue and will let you know if I get some lead

I investigated the reCAPTCHA issue and found that the error is likely caused by Firebase Authentication not being initialized before the reCAPTCHA verifier is set up. To resolve this, ensure Firebase Auth is properly initialized in the Firebase config file before the RecaptchaVerifier is used in the authentication flow. Additionally, verify that the correct reCAPTCHA site key is being used and that App-Check is correctly configured in the Firebase Console. If Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy errors persist, consider adding the Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin header to prevent pop-up blocking issues.