Dispose of active message
Closed this issue · 2 comments
julianfe commented
If iToast is already displaying and another message is generated then they stack up.
If you have the opacity quite low this behaviour is fairly obvious
Ideally it should instantly dismiss the current instance and start again.
I'm been trying by using a tag in the view and checking it exists but frankly my obj-c is just not good enough!
v.tag = 6984678;
UIView* barview = [v viewWithTag:6984678];
if (barview != nil) {
NSLog(@"FOUND _view!");
Any one know how to do this?
ecstasy2 commented
I'll check out this issue this week-end, i'll keep you posted.
ecstasy2 commented
It's been 8 months now :-) i've been too busy.
This is now fixed from my previous commit.
Check it out and confirm it fit your need.