
payment Element didn't mount normally

Closed this issue · 4 comments

Hi there,

Trying to use this library to add a payment element and I keep running into this error: "payment Element didn't mount normally". Do you have any guidance on what might cause this?

Many thanks!

Seeing the same error here. Any thoughts on this?

Seeing a similar question over on the Drupal forums, after a bunch of googling:

They at least track it down to the Stripe code -- but I have no idea how to resolve the issue


an actual DOM element is created by the stripe library. You can trace what throws this error. For the payment element I suggest:

  1. Make sure stripe.js is loaded before you mount vue components
  2. Pass the correct type

For the reference, check the example

Thanks @softbeehive -- that helps. I'll look through that example.

You are welcome to add your findings. Feel free to reopen the issue if you believe there is a bug in vue-stripe-js