
Windows documentation: how to convert all files in all subdirectories

Meteor0id opened this issue · 1 comments

Make sure you have installed node.js and unpacked gifski and C:\gifski-1.7.0\win is listed in your path in system-variables. If you have to add it to your path you have to reopen cmd for it to take effect.

Create a .bat file with the following code (change the paths to you needs)
REM chcp 65001 allows handling directories and files with unusual non-ascII chars chcp 65001 for /f "usebackq delims=|" %%f in (dir /b /s "C:\All stickerpacks**.tgs") do node "C:\tgs-to-gif-master\cli.js" "%%f" pause

if you use nvm to install node.js you may also have to install lottie

the tool has been rewritten by scratch

please use docker version which supports batch converting or build from sources then use bash for example

find $PATH_TO_DIRECTORY_WITH_STICKERS -name '*.tgs' | while IFS=$'\n' read -r FILE; do 
  ./bin/tgs_to_gif.sh $FILE