
Categorise lectures into years

Closed this issue · 15 comments

The year for each lecture is given by the first numeric character in the course name

Having a migration handler would also be useful

To maintain current levels of abstraction, should be implemented as a category field in the Podcast class.

How to organise the categories is then up to the calling method.

Related to #25

We should only download the latest year by default.

Problems with categorisation include:

  • Courses with unusual code formats
  • Courses from the Masters year using a mix of 6 or 4 as the year identifier (e.g. COMP40901 and COMP60411)

We could attempt to parse the publish date and use that to figure out the year + semester

Having a migration handler would also be useful

I don't think this is worthwhile

We could attempt to parse the publish date and use that to figure out the year + semester

A good approach I hadn't considered, we could easily categorise by academic year.

Publish dates are included within the course listing as well as the individual lecture page.

Implementation options include:

  • Adding publish_date field to the Podcast class
    Categorisation is then performed by the file download handler
  • Adding category field to the Podcast class
    The PodcastProvider determines the category, but it's up to the download handler to determine how categories should be implemented
  • New abstraction layer for handling categorisation

Another alternative is that we keep a database of known lectures, (maybe a .yml in the repo), and when a user has a lecture we haven't seen before, we can prompt them to register it into the database (such as asking them the correctly formatted name, whos running etc).

Implementation options include:

  • Automatic issue creation
  • Automatic PR creation
  • Cloud hosted service, i.e. S3 bucket for high availability, and then an API that the CLI app can communicate to to post the suggested course information

Implementation as an abstraction layer would involve:

  • Adding publish_date to the Podcast class
  • New package and classes for CategorisationHandler
  • CategorisationHandler classes contain a get_category method, accepting a Podcast as an argument and returning a string category name
  • Adding a category field to the Download class, assigned by the constructor
  • It is then left to the download provider to implement storage of lectures in categories

This approach will however make downloading podcasts only from the current year significantly harder, add a large amount of additional logic and will likely provide no benefit - I can't imagine a strong enough use case for different category providers

Approach will be to store the date in the Podcast class and expose a method for calculating the academic year.

Categorisation into academic years will be an intrinsic property of the download provider.

A new setting will be introduced to control whether all podcasts will be downloaded, or just ones from the current year. The default will be to just download podcasts from the current year.

Actually, extraction of podcast dates from the course page listing is more complex than initially expected - currently we get the list of podcasts from the sidebar nav, whereas for the dates we need to parse the main central listing. Unfortunately, this requires supporting pagination too (which will involve performing additional slow web requests).

The option of only extracting the date from the individual podcast page remains, but this will result in additional overhead of still queueing downloads that will be skipped.

Looks like pagination is the way to go here

Actually, pagination is only implemented client side here, meaning that the logic can be kept simple.

Why the designers of the podcast service would choose to cripple the UX in this way is beyond me.

After initially running the directory creation for podcasts, an issue has arised where one lecturer managed to upload a podcast with a date from the incorrect year, causing a new directory to be created just for the one mis-labeled podcast.

This problem is fundamental to the approach of identifying the academic year per podcast.

A solution is to extract the academic year from the course name which, from my experience, always contains the academic year. However, I don't know how well this is enforced across other subjects.

Lectures are now categorised into academic years, based purely of the course name.

I'm going to close this issue as its main purpose is complete, then open a new issue regarding only downloading podcasts from the current year.