
No fill completly the width container

Opened this issue · 3 comments

Hello, I have a small issue, the images dont fill the 100% of the container. I had a right gap. You can see it in:


Thanks for the help

Hello Grimaldo.
Today i had the same problemen with CollagaPlus.
My not neat solution to get rit of the gap on the right side, is:

#wrapper {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#itemlist {
width: 101%;
.items {}

Sorry I cn't get you, can you explain me please?

the above solution was in sccs but i will explain it in plain css.
You have a wrapper(100%) like this in css and within this wrapper you have a itemlist (101%).
Within your item list you have your pictures or items.
Because the wrapper is 100% and overflow hidden and the div inside (itemlist) is bigger. The white part that will overflow is hidden. You can try it like this:

In your html file you'll have a wrapper and within this wrapper a #itemlist and within this itemlist, you'll have your items or pictures

#wrapper {
width: 100%;
overflow: hidden;
#wrapper #itemlist {
width: 101%;