The Stuff To Do plugin allows a user to order and prioritize the issues they are doing into a specific order.
- 0vermind
- alanta@4DotNet / Alanta
- aofnerVienna, Austria
- azatothPurple Scout AB
- bostondv@instacart
- caprio
- colinautSan Francisco, CA
- contingencyplan
- dotcoreWinterberg
- dzalbo
- ekohl@RedHatOfficial
- esamattisFindkit / Valu Digital Oy
- evolveweb
- gretchSydney, Australia
- intinnohttp://www.intinno.com
- Inza@Juicymo
- ivan-selchenkovRussia / Slovenia
- jaygoobySouth Downs, UK
- joaoffmCreative Tech | Devoteam Portugal
- joebushiEikemo Bushi DA
- joelsandOculogica
- johnthedebsBeacon, NY
- kolewuvoice INTER connect GmbH
- kosli
- meineerdePlanio
- mschiller
- nojimageELASTIC Consultants Inc.
- nroach
- p4ulDunedin, New Zealand
- pacsoMettle (RBS / NatWest)
- PiranhaGeorge@TypedCMS @Honeystone
- pronixПРОНИКС
- radmanDreamcode Labs
- rafaeldff
- rroemhildGermany
- rtlong@opencounter