
Suggestion for docs: Graphing progress with Tensorboard

Jetpackjules opened this issue · 1 comments


I just have a quick suggestion for the documentation:

Running the command

Tensorboard --logdir=~\ray_results\PPO\editor\ --port=8008

in a terminal while/after the program is training can provide some useful insight that helps with debugging and fine-tuning the model.

For example:

This site updates whenever the page is reloaded, and works great for trakcing the success of a model. I think this would be a great addition for new people trying to train their models, as it certainly helped me!

Thanks for this request.

It seems we have it here now: https://github.com/edbeeching/godot_rl_agents/blob/main/docs/TRAINING_STATISTICS.md

Although adding this link to the quick-start guide or one of the advanced tutorials might be useful.