
Command 'python' not found

Talent30 opened this issue · 5 comments

I have python3 installed by default. Bass returns:

~ bass                                                                                         
Command 'python' not found, but can be installed with:

sudo apt install python3         # version 3.7.5-1, or
sudo apt install python          # version 2.7.17-1
sudo apt install python-minimal  # version 2.7.17-1

You also have python3 installed, you can run 'python3' instead.

~/.local/share/omf/pkg/bass/functions/bass.fish (line 10): 
  python (dirname (status -f))/__bass.py $bash_args 3>$script_file
in function “bass”
	called on standard input
edc commented

If you have python installed already, it is not on your PATH, and your shell cannot find it. You need to update your PATH to add the directory where python binary is. For example, if python is installed to /opt/bin/python, then you need to add this line to your fish config at ~/.config/fish/config.fish:

set -x PATH /opt/bin $PATH

@edc The problem here is there is no binary named python, only python3 (at least in Ubuntu), if Python 3 is the only one installed. Ubuntu says they will not symlink python to python3, citing the advice provided in PEP 394. Without every user explicitly creating symlinks or a shell alias, bass does not work out of the box with Ubuntu 20.04+. Even with Python 2 and 3 installed, there is no python command on the PATH; instead there is python2 and python3.

Investigating this a bit more, the bass.fish properly invokes python3 if available, but __bass.py does not. I'll open a PR.


Thank you very much!

Im still getting this on a new Mac OS install (Ventura 13.1). Is this still a known issue?