
Questions about the paper notations

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Thank you for sharing your work here! I have some questions about several details of the paper:

The notation in Eq.(8) is quiet confusing. Does $y_{s_k}$ for $k=1,...,N$ above Eq.(8) mean that we combine the labels of all the $n_k$ samples in a certain source domain $k$ as a label vector $y_{s_k} \in \mathbb{R}^{n_k}$, and concatenate all the label vector for different domains together. And in Eq.(8), what is the meanings of the subscripts $j$ and $i$? In Eq(8), $s_k$ is on the superscript, but on the subscript in the notation above Eq.(8)? It's quiet confusing. Could you please provide more clarifications about this?


Yes, this equation is not quite clear. What we do is concatenate the labels of all source domains into y_b. For some concrete example, you can see the file "cvpr_experiments.py", where in line 181 we call np.concatenate(ys, axis=0). None that, here, ys is a list of ys_k, for each source domain k. I hope that clarifies a little bit the confusion.

Best regards.