
Didn't appear until I moved into subdirectory

Opened this issue · 2 comments

After unpacking per instructions and restarting, in Add Integration this did not appear. On a hunch I created the directory config/custom_components/sma_speedwire and moved everything into it. Restarted and now the integration does appear.
HA 2023.4.6.

While adding the IP address, the dialog requires a password. I don't think this is required, is it?

FYI, it works with my SB7000 inverter but not with my SB5.0. Haven't figured out why.

eddso commented

Thank you for info.
On my inverter i need password because i changed it, Sunny Explorer ask for change on first login.

You can enable debug to check why SB5.0 don't work.

Hmm. I thought with Speedwire the device was always broadcasting UDP packets and all we have to do is read them, no logging in. But I was wrong.