
Multiple instances of Connected Toggles

cheerfuloriole opened this issue · 1 comments

a11y-toggle is wonderful. Thank you!

When adding multiple instances of connected-toggles to a single page toggling content becomes a problem. In the following codepen demo notice how toggling one item hides images from the other galleries.

I was able to get it working by updating the collapseAll function to...
(Note: I used jQuery to solve the problem.)

function collapseAll(event) {

    var $this = jQuery(this);
    var $container = $this.closest('.connected-toggles');
    var $buttons = $container.find('button');
    var buttonsArr = jQuery.makeArray($buttons);

        .filter(function(toggle) {
            return buttonsArr !== event.target;

    // toggles
    //   .filter(function (toggle) {
    //     return toggle !== event.target;
    //   })
    //   .forEach(collapse);

Go to the following codepen demo for a working example. I assume others would prefer a vanilla JS solution.

Hope this helps in some fashion.


Hey there,

Thank you for raising this issue. It turns out it comes from the fact that the collapseAll function is not scoping the toggles to a specific container. You can fix it by updating this function like so:

function collapseAll (event) {
  var target = event.target;
  var container = target.closest('.connected-toggles');
  var toggles = container.querySelectorAll('[data-a11y-toggle]');

    .filter(function (toggle) {
      return toggle !== target;

Best. :)