
Where can I setup the MQTT broker?

Opened this issue · 7 comments

XenGi commented

I can't find it in the docs nor in the code. Where do I setup which broker crouton should use? When I open the site on port 9000 I just get a blank page.

During installation bower asked for a version for materializejs. I chose 1.0.something, which was the newest.

The broker is setup after visiting the webpage. If you look at "Using Crouton" when the page loads up (ex: http://crouton.mybluemix.net/crouton/gettingStarted) it will tell how to add the broker.

I am not sure why you are getting a blank page. Are there any errors form the console?

XenGi commented

Tried it on my linux box and on a buddys mac. We're both getting blank pages with no errors in the console. Not in the browser and not on the terminal.

Same for me, can't do any configuration because of blank page.
I see this error within console:
downloadable font: download failed (font-family: "Roboto" style:normal weight:normal stretch:normal src index:1): status=2147746065 source: http://server:9000/fonts/Roboto-Regular.woff2

Same for Roboto-Regular.woff and Roboto-Regular.ttf

Next, have these:


During install had this message... don't know if had anything to do with it:



XenGi commented

Same for me I also chose 1.x version of webcomponentsjs. Maybe this is the problem?

Solved Fonts errors by downloading manually and copy into /build/fonts/.

Then tried with all 3 versions, still have errors... Seems something relative to Polymer.js.

Hoping for some fix

Reference #37 for the bower issue

Please pull master and see if you still have the issue!