
For this package to work, you need to have installed PARI/GP, which should run using the command 'gp', or otherwise the file 'polredabs.m' needs to be modified. You also need to compile the program 'myfrob' in the package 'controlledreduction-torsion', which can be found at


On the first line of 'Torsion.m', you need to set 'MyFrobCommand' to whatever command you use to run 'myfrob'. In my case this was 'export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/sage/sage-9.5/local/lib/; /home/bommel/cap/controlledreduction-torsion/build/examples/myfrob', but this might be different on your machine.


The following intrinsics are available:

  • TorsionSubgroup: main intrinsic of this package
  • Torsion: a wrapper for TorsionSubgroup
  • ConvertProofToList: converts proof data to an easily storable list format
  • ConvertListToProof: converts list to proof data
  • VerifyProof: verifies proof for the torsion group
  • VerifyListProof: verify proof stored in list format

As a side product this package also contains an implementation of (naive) Jacobian arithmetic for (non-hyperelliptic) curves, which could be used independently of the torsion computation.