
`constellation mini up` times out

Opened this issue · 0 comments

3u13r commented

Issue description

constellation mini up times out during creation.

To reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Download the CLI
  2. Execute constellation mini up --debug
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:121       Checked arch and os
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:126       Checked that /dev/kvm exists
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:134       Checked CPU cores - there are 8
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:152       Scanned for available memory
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:160       Checked available memory, you have 31GB available
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:170       Checked for free space available, you have 25GB available
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:177       Preparing configuration
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:202       Configuration path is ""
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:224       Prepared configuration
2023-04-06T11:36:01Z    DEBUG   cmd/miniup.go:231       Creating mini cluster
An error occurred: exit status 1

Error: couldn't retrieve IP address of domain id: 29962dc6-14e7-4524-89d9-320f90ce2c3b. Please check following: 
1) is the domain running proplerly? 
2) has the network interface an IP address? 
3) Networking issues on your libvirt setup? 
 4) is DHCP enabled on this Domain's network? 
5) if you use bridge network, the domain should have the pkg qemu-agent installed 
IMPORTANT: This error is not a terraform libvirt-provider error, but an error caused by your KVM/libvirt infrastructure configuration/setup 
 timeout while waiting for state to become 'all-addresses-obtained' (last state: 'waiting-addresses', timeout: 5m0s)

  with module.worker.libvirt_domain.instance_group[0],
  on modules/instance_group/main.tf line 15, in resource "libvirt_domain" "instance_group":
  15: resource "libvirt_domain" "instance_group" {

Attempting to roll back.
Rollback succeeded.
Error: creating cluster: exit status 1

Error: couldn't retrieve IP address of domain id: 29962dc6-14e7-4524-89d9-320f90ce2c3b. Please check following: 
1) is the domain running proplerly? 
2) has the network interface an IP address? 
3) Networking issues on your libvirt setup? 
 4) is DHCP enabled on this Domain's network? 
5) if you use bridge network, the domain should have the pkg qemu-agent installed 
IMPORTANT: This error is not a terraform libvirt-provider error, but an error caused by your KVM/libvirt infrastructure configuration/setup 
 timeout while waiting for state to become 'all-addresses-obtained' (last state: 'waiting-addresses', timeout: 5m0s)

  with module.worker.libvirt_domain.instance_group[0],
  on modules/instance_group/main.tf line 15, in resource "libvirt_domain" "instance_group":
  15: resource "libvirt_domain" "instance_group" {


  • constellation version: 2.7.0-pre.0.20230405160928-1c03b066a61b
  • constellation-conf.yaml
version: v2 # Schema version of this configuration file.
image: v2.6.0 # Machine image version used to create Constellation nodes.
name: mini # Name of the cluster.
stateDiskSizeGB: 8 # Size (in GB) of a node's disk to store the non-volatile state.
kubernetesVersion: v1.25.8 # Kubernetes version to be installed into the cluster.
microserviceVersion: v2.7.0-pre.0.20230405160928-1c03b066a61b # Microservice version to be installed into the cluster. Defaults to the version of the CLI.
debugCluster: false # DON'T USE IN PRODUCTION: enable debug mode and use debug images. For usage, see: https://github.com/edgelesssys/constellation/blob/main/debugd/README.md
# Supported cloud providers and their specific configurations.
    # Configuration for QEMU as provider.
        imageFormat: raw # Format of the image to use for the VMs. Should be either qcow2 or raw.
        vcpus: 2 # vCPU count for the VMs.
        memory: 2048 # Amount of memory per instance (MiB).
        metadataAPIServer: ghcr.io/edgelesssys/constellation/qemu-metadata-api:v2.7.0-pre.0.20230330151913-6a2c9792e0ce@sha256:8283f9606366beaf05142aeef09a905085bc7cde071f43b43290a7f087994264 # Container image to use for the QEMU metadata server.
        libvirtSocket: "" # Libvirt connection URI. Leave empty to start a libvirt instance in Docker.
        libvirtContainerImage: ghcr.io/edgelesssys/constellation/libvirt:v2.7.0-pre.0.20230330151913-6a2c9792e0ce@sha256:56d218cc501d471d25f6a6da940db48a008a040bc26dea1fe8a61edf9ca7ce73 # Container image to use for launching a containerized libvirt daemon. Only relevant if `libvirtSocket = ""`.
        nvram: production # NVRAM template to be used for secure boot. Can be sentinel value "production", "testing" or a path to a custom NVRAM template
        firmware: "" # Path to the OVMF firmware. Leave empty for auto selection.
        # Measurement used to enable measured boot.
                expected: dfd62a251a234d2eccdbb4659e4990c330f3e4a4456f7274c769ad43c174c7c4
                warnOnly: false
                expected: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
                warnOnly: false
                expected: a13d79910d9d98480c0d5c3f197d383d5d26895e350225e219bf286a7402e780
                warnOnly: false
                expected: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
                warnOnly: false
                expected: c2b1e24a8ff734ea9546622da8ba438c6799be6b6cb4e6593d9411e9ea084c0c
                warnOnly: false
                expected: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
                warnOnly: false
                expected: "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"
                warnOnly: false
  • VM type used to run Constellation.
    Miniconstellation was started on an Azure VM of type Standard_D8as_v5.

Expected behavior

The miniconstellation should be correctly created and initialized.

Additional info

We currently think that it has to do with using an AMD VM as the host. But note, that we could only reproduce this in a cloud environment. Using local AMD machines worked fine.


Switch the Azure VM's type to Standard_D8s_v5.