
Websockets in umbrella

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I have verk_web configured as a separate app in our umbrella project (not mounted in any phoenix apps).

We have one proxy app that kindof plugs requests to the other phoenix endpoints.


defmodule ProxyWeb.Endpoint do
  @domains %{
    "admin.app1.com" => AdminWeb.Endpoint,
    "verk.app1.com" => VerkWeb.Endpoint
  def init(opts), do: opts

  def call(conn, _) do
    with domain <- get_domain(conn),
         endpoint <- Map.get(@domains, domain, @default_host) do
      endpoint.call(conn, endpoint.init(:supervisor, endpoint))

VerkWeb is totally fine here, except for websockets:

[info] Converted error Phoenix.Router.NoRouteError to 404 response
[info] GET /socket/websocket

I'm not quite sure what I should do from here, but happy to provide more detail or even PR if we find it's a real issue.