Distribute on OS X homebrew
Opened this issue · 5 comments
Deleted user commented
Distribute on OS X homebrew
tomfitzhenry commented
This seems to work, but Homebrew are unlikely to be happy accepting a version of a commit ID.
require "language/go"
class PathExtractor < Formula
desc "Path extractor"
homepage "https://github.com/edi9999/path-extractor"
url "https://github.com/edi9999/path-extractor/tarball/54f890f142995fbc2ed737b8fff1635a8226ccc3"
version "54f890f142995fbc2ed737b8fff1635a8226ccc3"
sha256 "b3a92c07b1a96237e2069159fd3c64a4ce460f3649b21b5d5cab91e18a74616a"
head do
url "https://github.com/edi9999/path-extractor.git"
depends_on "go" => :build
def install
ENV["GOBIN"] = bin
ENV["GOPATH"] = buildpath
ENV["GOHOME"] = buildpath
mkdir_p buildpath/"src/github.com/edi9999/"
ln_sf buildpath, buildpath/"src/github.com/edi9999/path-extractor"
Language::Go.stage_deps resources, buildpath/"src"
system "go", "build", "-o", bin/"path-extractor", "path-extractor/pe.go"
test do
assert True
edi9999 commented
If I tag the latest commit as v0.1.0 , will that be better ?
tomfitzhenry commented
Yes, Homebrew don't like unreleased software, it seems.
edi9999 commented
I just tagged v0.1.0
edi9999 commented
Done I think. I happen to have released a new version 0.2, don't know if you wish to open a new pull request