
Web frameworks not really based on Hunchentoot.

Closed this issue · 2 comments

This is apropos commit ca87f92

Hi @vindarel and @edicl, I'd just like to point out that Snooze is not based on Hunchentoot at all. There's nothing wrong with using it alongside Hunchentoot, in fact that's the way I use it. But Snooze is web-server-agnostic: I bundle it with a function that that easily plugs in Hunchentoot and another that plugs in Clack, but you can plug in whatever you want.

I also don't think @fukamachi's Caveman or @Shirakumo's Radiance fit the bill of hunchentoot-basedness, but I might be wrong on those. I do believe it's only true of RESTAS.

ok, and sorry, I'll try to rephrase accordingly.

ok, and sorry, I'll try to rephrase accordingly.

No worries, and I'm grateful for the mention of snooze anyway.