WAD Assignment Part B Documentation

By Edilson Zau - 220090491

This project aimed to design and implement a CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) app. The app should be able to perform basic CRUD functions, authenticate registered users, add new users to a storage system, and query from a backend.

Development Stack

For this application the following languages were used:

  • HTML: For creating a basic structure for the application.
  • CSS: For adding styles and creating a good UI and UX for users.
  • JAVASCRIPT: Used as both a frontend and backend interface, for adding functionality to the application, acting as a storage system for files and user login information, and authenticating users.

Its key functions should include:

  • Creating files
  • Reading files
  • Updating files
  • Deleting files

To run the files, use VS Code or any other text editor that supports HTML, CSS, and JS files.

Downloading and opening the files

Note these producers will only work if 'git' and 'code' are already installed in your system and added to the environment variables path.

Downloading the files

Use the following command on the directory you want to download the files to:

git clone https://github.com/edilson-z/WAD-Assignment-Part-B.git

Opening the files

If the download is successful, run the following commands on the same directory that the files were downloaded to:

code WAD-Assignment-Part-B

Running the application

To successfully run the application, begin by running the "login.html" file and use the credentials:

email: "danni@gmail.com"


password: "12345"

Doing so will take you to the main page "index.html" where all CRUD functions can be performed.

*Note: if an incorrect email or password is entered, the user will not be redirected to the main page.*

  • On the main page, new files can be created by clicking on the "Add File" button.

  • Files can be read by clicking on the file you wish to read.

  • Files can be updated by selecting the file you wish to update and changing its information.

  • Files can be deleted by double-clicking the file you wish to delete.