
:green_book: -> :blue_book: Change color of png keep alpha channel in php!

Primary LanguagePHP


Change color of an image without lose alpha channnel (alpha layer)
Altere a cor da sua imagem sem perder a camada alpha (camada de transparĂȘncia)

You can change the color of this car (Or any imagem you want)

You can create specific color by RGB:


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Colorizzar\ChangeColor;

$changeColor = new ChangeColor('red_car.png');

//From Red (rgb Params)
$changeColor->setFromRGB(255, 31, 40);

//To Blue Color (rgb Params)
$changeColor->setToRGB(135, 206, 235);

Or change color by color name with method colorizeByNameColor()

$changeColor = new ChangeColor('red_car.png');
$changeColor->colorizeByNameColor('Blue', 'new_cars/'); // Will create 'blue.png'

Ex of result colorizeKeepAplhaChannnel(), colorizeByNameColor()


Create all 135 COLORS with colorizeToAllColors() !


$changeColor = new ChangeColor('red_car.png');
git clone git@github.com:gabrieldarezzo/colorizzar.git

git clone https://github.com/gabrieldarezzo/colorizzar.git

cd colorizzar  
composer update  

Example of use:


require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

use Colorizzar\ChangeColor;

$defaultRedRGB = 255;
$defaultGreenRGB = 31;
$defaultBlueRGB = 40;

$fileLocation = __DIR__.'./files/car.png';
$folderOut = __DIR__.'./output/';

try {

	$changeColor = new ChangeColor($fileLocation);
	$changeColor->setFromRGB($defaultRedRGB, $defaultGreenRGB, $defaultBlueRGB);

	//Blue Color
	$red   = 135;
	$green = 206;
	$blue  = 235;
	$changeColor->setToRGB($red, $green, $blue);

	$fileOut = $folderOut . 'new_blue_car.png';

} catch(Exception $ex){
	print $ex->getMessage();


  • *Create a plugin in JS consume colorizzar and show in realtime result
  • (done) Add DockBlock in all methods
  • Improve tests (check if has new rgb in image created instead just check if file is created)
  • (done) Improve ChangeColor.php SOLID

'* 1 - Hash create by upload image
2 - create a folder with same name of hash
3 - result a JSON with all urls created
4 - pop in JS and show final result to user like a magic

//List things to-do in Folder before commit:
.\vendor\bin\phpcs --standard=PSR2 src\

//Fix File!
.\vendor\bin\phpcbf --standard=PSR2 src\file.php

Fix a Folder
.\vendor\bin\phpcbf --standard=PSR2 src\ -w --no-patch

//Don't Forget check if you don't break anything hehe. You need test manually #NOT

Don't know RGB color of your HEX?!


Thanks to: