
Server Auto Deploy Tool

Primary LanguagePython


##Server Auto Deploy Tool

####设计**: 目前使用fabric维护服务器的同志应该很多,但是,在我周围的的工作环境中,大都是由运维同学升级和维护服务器, 而使用fabric有学习成本,你不能强求人家用python,多数运维同学还是忠于bash的, 于是乎,就有了写shell脚本,并在远程执行的需求,从此江湖就是一片血雨腥风。


usage: python deploy.py -c config.ini -e exc.ini -u ./package -p /root/downloads/dw

####Config Server config.ini:

config use password

  • host,port,user,passwd

config use private key

  • tag(default:1),host,port,user,private_key(ssh rsa),encrypt type(rsa,dsa:lowercase)


  • 22 liuzheng bmc
  • 22 liuzheng /Users/liuzheng/.ssh/id_dsa dsa
  • 22 liuzheng /Users/liuzheng/.ssh/local_rsa rsa

####Config Exceute Commend exc.ini:

  • ls -ls |head -n 10
  • grep a . |head -n 10


####Why can’t I run programs in the background with &? It makes paramiko hang.

Run the program under nohup and redirect stdin, stdout and stderr to /dev/null (or to your file of choice, if you need the output later):

run("nohup yes >& /dev/null < /dev/null &") (yes is simply an example of a program that may run for a long time or forever; >&, < and & are Bash syntax for pipe redirection and backgrounding, respectively – see your shell’s man page for details.)

####depend on easy_install paramiko