
A simple utility to back up actions from your doit.im account.

Primary LanguageC++


Backupdoit is a simple utility to back up your actions from doit.im.

doit.im is a web service which provides a system for implementing the GTD method of time-management.

GTD requires that all your actions/to-dos be recorded in a trusted system. In order to trust doit.im (Or any other web based software for that matter) there must be a way to backup the data recorded in it to somewhere else. A backup feature is not provided by doit as is, so this is my attempt at just such a tool. The data from your doit.im account is retrieved and can be backed up to either a list in a text file or raw JSON format.

Backupdoit is written in QtQuick and Qt using C++. It was a convenient excuse for me to learn all about QML.

See more detail about this project on the page for it at http://www.edlangley.co.uk/projects/backupdoit/.