
Is the package maintained?

ErlanBelekov opened this issue · 3 comments

Also there doesn't seem to be many examples of Cloudflare Workers + Remix, pls link any other maintained solutions if possible.

Hi @ErlanBelekov, this is a template/remix stack for running remix on Cloudflare workers with a custom adapter that utilise module workers. It should work with latest version of Remix. Is there any specific problem you had?

@edmundhung I didn't see any recent commits that's why I chose to not try it at first.
Can emotion + chakra UI be integrated in this template too?

This template is integrating with tailwindcss currently. But you are free to clone it and change its setup for your need. For the integration, I would suggest asking in emotion / chakra UI repository if they support remix on Coudflare Workers first as not many existing solutions support the Cloudflare runtime out of the box.