
Rails 3 + Backbone JS + hamlbars skelleton

Primary LanguageRuby


rails 3.2.1 skelleton with:

  • rename rake task to automatically rename skelleton to your appname

  • devise

  • twitter bootstrap

  • sass

  • haml

  • jquery

  • postgres

  • rspec

  • factory_girl

  • faker

  • tinymce

  • ruby-debug for ruby-1.9.3

clone and use your own porject


clone https://github.com/edshadi/skelleton.git <YourProjectDirectory>
e.g. clone https://github.com/edshadi/skelleton.git ~/work/awesome

cd into your project folder:

cd <YourProjectDirectory>

rename your skelleton to be your appname:

rake rename["<ProjectName>"]
e.g. `rake rename["awesome"]

remove any git configuration:

rm -rf .git

initialize new .git repo:

git init
git add .
git commit -m"initial commit"

create a github empty repo then run:

git remote add origin <GihubRepoAddress>
git push -u origin master

To run the app:

rake db:create db:migrate
rails s