
Android: Exception thrown when checking on startup

Opened this issue · 1 comments


Plugin Version: 2.1.0
Platform (e.g., Android v21): Android 9.0/API 28
Device/Hardware: Pixel 4 Emulator

Expected behavior

Version check works

Actual behavior

Version check throws exception:

**Plugin.LatestVersion.LatestVersionException:** 'Error comparing current app version number with latest. Version name=2.1.2 and lastest version= .'

This has just started occurring on emulator debugging this morning. Debugging on actual Android device seems to work OK still.

Steps to reproduce the issue

  • Call CrossLatestVersion.Current.IsUsingLatestVersion() on startup in App.xaml.cs

Same issue here.

In my case is because the package name is different. We are using different package names for prod and testing. So, we can test both on the same device.

You can go away with these issues with a simple try-catch but would be cool some mechanism for preventing this.