["FEAT"] endpoint to get list of enrollment of a course
Ian2012 opened this issue · 12 comments
Describe the solution you'd like
Create a new endpoint called /enrollments that receives the course-id and returns the list of enrollment on the course
This issue will be passed for product review @santiagosuarezedunext
@Ian2012 quw más parcer
¿Para qué necesita la info que le daría esa api?
Para que los programadores que realicen integraciones con eox-core tengan más facilidad de construir dashboards o panel de administración, además de poder generar reportes
@Ian2012 pero lo necesitas para un proyecto en concreto?
@santiagosuarezedunext No, es un nice-to-have
Al ser un nice to have lo voy a volver a dejar en el backlog y le daremos prioridad cuando tengamos una aplicación para esa api, que sepamos que se va usar para algun dashboard o algo.
CC: @Ian2012
@santiagosuarezedunext can we close it? and if we need it in the future, we could reopen it
@Alec4r I think that this issue does not bother in the backlog secction, we can keep it here.
@santiagosuarezedunext do we have any plans for this feature on the future sprints?
@Asespinel not soon
hi @Ian2012, I hope you're well
I'm just reviewing this issue and found that maybe this feature was already added to the edx-platform; here is the endpoint I guess could solve your requirement.
Please let us know if the endpoint is enough for you or if you think it is necessary to consider this issue so it can be solved later.