
Does this run on windows?

Opened this issue · 3 comments

I am running the sample code on Windows. I verified proper path is being sent to the "" call. Is there encoding or formatting that I need to do to the path to make it work on a window deployment? The file is a local file. Does that matter?

Thank you in advance for your help!


I have the same problem as the previous writer. Cannot get it up and running with Windows 10.

Please help!
Thanks in advance!

eduo commented

I'm sorry. I can't test it on Windows as of now.

Usually these errors are due to paths being set-up wrong. They are not always 100% intuitive since you may need to adjust the slashes so they're correctly set-up (it's a Web view running JS, so it expects forward slashes in paths).

Thank you for your quick answer. No, it's got nothing to do with path settings. I already changed these. Basically it seems to work, but there's nothing displayed like it's done with MacOS.

Looks like there exists some access rights that don't allow pdfjs to access a local file. Entering a command with "file=..." inside a browser window always results in file not found and similar errors.