
doesn't work with last natvescript

Closed this issue · 5 comments

hello is there a way to make it works with the last NS (I use pure JS)?

here is my code(very basic)

    import {MQTTClient} from "nativescript-mqtt";
    const Observable = require("tns-core-modules/data/observable").Observable;

    var pageData = new Observable({
         message: '',

exports.loaded = function (args) {
    var pageContent = args.object;
    pageContent.bindingContext = pageData;

let mqtt_host  = "";
let mqtt_port  = 1883;
let mqtt_useSSL  = false;
let mqtt_cleanSession  = false;

let mqtt_clientOptions = {
    host: mqtt_host,
    port: mqtt_port,
    useSSL: mqtt_useSSL,
    cleanSession: mqtt_cleanSession

let mqtt_client = new MQTTClient(mqtt_clientOptions);
let mqtt_topic = "topic/room";

exports.connect = function(){

    const opts = {
        qos: 1

    mqtt_client.onConnectionFailure.on((err) => {
        console.log("Connection failed: " + JSON.stringify(err));
    mqtt_client.onConnectionSuccess.on(() => {
        console.log("Connected successfully!");
        alert("Connected successfully!");
        mqtt_client.subscribe(mqtt_topic, opts);
    mqtt_client.onConnectionLost.on((err) => {
        console.log("Connection lost: " + JSON.stringify(err));
    mqtt_client.onMessageArrived.on((message) => {
        console.log("Message received: " + message.payload);
    mqtt_client.onMessageDelivered.on((message) => {
        console.log("Message delivered: " + message.payload);
    mqtt_client.connect("", "");


There appears to be a pretty severe bug in the Websockets plugin that this plugin relies on and, unfortunately, that project's maintainer indicated last year that he wasn't in a position to fix it.

sorry, but is there any other plugin to use mqtt on NS?

Not that we've been able to find. We chose to abandon MQTT in our app and switched to a polling mechanism. MQTT would've been ideal but we were under pressure to deliver on a timeline. For a future version we've entertained the idea of building native MQTT components for both Android and iOS and simply exposing those to our app.

Ok, so i Think i will use firebase with real time database, or Rest api, i'm using a esp32 and want to make an app to show the acquired data

@peppeg85 this project focuses on MQTT over websockets, so you can't use a pure MQTT port. I believe accepts 8080 as HTTP and 8081 as SSL, so you have to use those ports.

This follows the same structure as the paho-mqtt library for the web.

About the nativescript-websockets lib. The only issue with that is it occasionally breaks the connection after a few minutes on iOS, if you turn on reconnection, it shouldn't be a big issue.