
Does this work for Nativescript+Vue?

mashinokatsumi opened this issue · 4 comments

Does this work for Nativescript+Vue?

I found how to use it with NativeScript-Vue.
Just add the following to your main.js file:

import Vue from 'nativescript-vue'

Vue.registerElement('Rippler', () => require('nativescript-ripple').Ripple);

My webstorm still complains about the type of rippleColor property but it works anyway.
Let me know if anyone knows how to solve this. 😉

If anyone wants to add vue integration I'll gadly merge the PR

<Label ripple text="my label text" (tap)="tapfn()"></Label>

Can this be done on Vue?

The method described by @elie-g works. Please add it to the description. It seems that this will be enough.