
Ripple not working with RadListView

Opened this issue · 4 comments

vforv commented

Here is my code:

<RadListView *ngIf="!loading" [items]="menus">
        <ng-template tkListItemTemplate let-item="item">
            <GridLayout ripple (tap)="onItemTap(item)" class="listItemTemplateGrid">
                <Image [src]="item.image" stretch="aspectFill"></Image>
                <FrescoDrawee horizontalAlignment="stretch" height="250" [imageUri]="item.image"
                <GridLayout verticalAlignment="bottom">
                    <StackLayout class="labelsStackLayout">
                        <Label [text]="" textWrap="true"></Label>

        <!-- >> angular-listview-item-layouts-grid -->
        <ListViewGridLayout tkListViewLayout scrollDirection="Vertical" ios:itemHeight="200" spanCount="2">
        <!-- << angular-listview-item-layouts-grid -->

It works if I don;t use List

Try wrapping the gridlayout in another layout just in case. RLV is annoying to work with...

vforv commented

Agree... Tried with Flexbox and anoter GirdLayout but same result

Haven't got the time to address this yet, but this may also be worth the shot: remove the *ngIf. We use RLV with ripple on one screen. We know that RLV has issues with angular components when you use *ngIf inside the template, maybe it's the same case here?

I have the same issue