
Angular 2 support

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Consider the following code in NS + ng2

`<StackLayout text="fill">
      <ListView [items]="groceryList  class="listview">
    <template let-item="item" col="0">
      <GridLayout columns="auto,auto,*" rows="*,*" class="fa" (tap)="goToList(item)">
        <Label horizontalAlignment="left" verticalAlignment="center" [text]="item.iconFont" ></Label>
        <Label col="1" horizontalAlignment="center" [text]=""></Label>
        <Label col="2" horizontalAlignment="right" text="&#xf105;"></Label>

As I have the (tap)="goToList(item)" on GridLayout. The labels are not getting the ripple effect.

I tried to add <Ripple> hoping it would work as Angular 2 does not have <Page> tag to add xmlns:RL="nativescript-ripple"

Try calling registerElement() as outlined here for this plugin let me know if that helps 😄

Hey brad thanks for showing me registerElement. I didn't know about that. But using it still does not help
I did the following in TypeScript

import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("Ripple", () => require("nativescript-ripple").Ripple);
//registerElement("Ripple", () => require("nativescript-ripple")); //tried this as well

Then in my view I have

       <Ripple rippleColor="#d50000">
        <Label text="Red Ripples!!!"></Label> 

The layout breaks and I see nothing but the actionBar in the emulator. The console gives me the following error

JS: [object Object]
JS: Error: Error in pages/home/home.component.html:12:31 caused by: Cannot read property 'materialripple' of undefined

Can you show the source for home.component.html want to see what is undefined there.

here is the code for home.component.html

<StackLayout class="p-20">
    <Label text="Tap the button" class="h1 text-center"></Label>
    <Button text="TAP" (tap)="onTap()" class="btn btn-primary btn-active"></Button>
    <Label [text]="message" class="h2 text-center" textWrap="true"></Label>
    <Ripple rippleColor="#d50000">
        <Label text="Red Ripples!!!"></Label>
     <CheckBox #CB1 text="CheckBox Label" checked="false"></CheckBox>
    <Button (tap)="toggleCheck()" text="Toggle it!"></Button>
    <Button (tap)="getCheckProp()" text="Check Property"></Button>

And this is the code for home.component.ts

import { Component } from "@angular/core";
import { registerElement } from "nativescript-angular/element-registry";
registerElement("Ripple", () => require("nativescript-ripple").Ripple);
import { CheckBox } from 'nativescript-checkbox';
registerElement("CheckBox", () => require("nativescript-checkbox").CheckBox);

    selector: "my-app",
    templateUrl: "app.component.html",
export class AppComponent {
    public counter: number = 16;

    public get message(): string {
        if (this.counter > 0) {
            return this.counter + " taps left";
        } else {
            return "Hoorraaay! \nYou are ready to start building!";
        public onTap() {

If you have some trouble with plugins installation in your angular application, try it: 'tns platform remove android && tns platform add android'. After this you should remove app from your emulator and start nativescript build again. Works for me.

This seems to only occur for me in AoT builds using webpack if it helps.

Angular 10 support is up!