

This project is based on the work of

Installation Cert stuff

To run the passbook server you need a certificate and a private key. The certificate is used to sign the passbook files and the private key is used to sign the push notifications. The certificate and the private key are stored in the config file of the passbook server.

this is the overall process to get the necessary certificates for issuing passes

flowchart TD
    B[create private key.pem]
    D[get/create Passtype ID -]
    WWDR[download AppleWWDRCA.cer] -->WWDRPEM[convert to wwdr_certificate.pem]
    D --> E[request Certificate.cer based on Passtype Id -]
    B[create key.pem] --> CSR[create CSR]
    CSR -->|upload CSR in form| F[create+download Certificate.cer -]
    E --> F
    F -->|x509| G[create Certificate.pem]
    G --> H[install Certificate.pem, private.key and wwdr_certificate.pem on server]
    WWDRPEM --> H

prepare key and CSR for requesting a certificate from apple

  • create your own private key
$ openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048
  • create a certificate signing request (CSR) with the private key
$ openssl req -new -key private.key -out request.csr -subj="/emailAddress=[your email addr],CN=[your full name],C=[your country ISO code]"

Get a Pass Type Id and certificate from Apple

you need a developer account at apple to get a pass type id and a certificate for signing your passes. you can get a free developer account at

  • Visit the iOS Provisioning Portal -> Pass Type IDs -> New Pass Type ID
  • Select pass type id -> Configure (Follow steps and download generated pass.cer file)
  • Use Keychain tool to export a Certificates.cer file (need Apple Root Certificate installed)
  • Convert the certificate.cer (X509 format) to a certificate.pem file by calling
    $ openssl x509 -inform der -in pass.cer -out certificate.pem

Apple Worldwide Developer Relations (WWDR) root certificate

the certificate is preinstalled, but in case of expiration it can be downloaded from [](apple authority)

see [](apple support)

curl -o AppleWWDRCA.cer

an overview of downloadable apple certs:

convert it to a pem file

openssl x509 -inform der -in AppleWWDRCA.cer -out wwdr_certificate.pem

then copy it into the 'certs' folder of the passbook server

see documentation @ apple

check expiration date of a certificate

openssl x509 -enddate -noout -in file.pem

Install certificate and private key for integration tests

copy the certificate.pem, private.key and wwdr_certificate.pem to the 'certs' directory your server.

run the unit tests

without having installed the extra certificates you can run the unittests without having installed the certificates.

pytest -m "not integration"

run the integration tests

We need to provide a passtype identifier and a team identifier depending on your apple developer account.

for running the integration tests you need to provide the following environment variables to be set in the file .env in the root directory of the project (not part of the git repo).

Note: the certificate and the private key have to match the passtype identifier and the team identifier!


then you can run the integration tests with on an apple machine with

pytest -m integration

the test "test_passbook_creation_integration" will create a passbook file and display it with the passbook viewer. This test runs just under OSX.


Create a certificate for push notifications