
Primary LanguagePython


Visualizing Rhymes in Raps with Genomic Algorithms and D3!

About RapGraph

How can code help us understand what makes great raps? We built this app to find out.

RapGraph was built in beaker, using python for processing, and d3.js for visualization. Used nltk to translate word to phoneme (with cmudict). Implements Smith-Waterman alignment algorithm (typically used in genomics) to align phonemes from adjacent lines.


Future Features

TTR: text to rap. Then the entire pipeline, for a rap battling robot.

Use RapGraph Right Now!

Visit www.RapGraph.me

Installation for Hacking

git clone https://github.com/el2724/rapper.git rapGraph

With Python

    pip install virtualenv
    virtualenv .
    source bin/activate
    pip install -r requirements.txt
    python webapp/app_rap.py

With Beaker Notebook

Beaker Notebook is a program that lets you projects that combine 16+ different programming languages. You can open any of the .bkr files in the research folder if you have

External Links


It is recommended to install dependencies using pip, the Python package manager. If you add external libraries, run pip freeze > requirements.txt

  • Flask