
Data only module for Vultr. Maps Application, Plan, and Region human readable names to ID's.

Primary LanguageHCL


Data only module for Vultr. Maps Application, OS, and Region human readable names to ID's.

This module will remove the need to curl the public api endpoints to find App/OS/Region ID’s. The Terraform HTTP datasources pulls all Apps/OS’s/Regions in 3 calls then maps them to human readable names to the respective ID in separate outputs. The output names have been made to be relatively human readable, and will return the ID of the App, OS, or Region you are naming.


  • Plans - need to determine a descriptive but reasonably short naming scheme.


Import the module like you would any other TF Module:

module "vultr_lib" {
  source = "github.com/vultr/terraform-datalib-vultr"

Use human readable module output names in place of Application, OS, or Region ID's:

resource "vultr_server" "server0" {
  plan_id = "201"
  region_id = module.vultr_lib.new_jersey
  # region_id = module.vultr_lib.atlanta
  # region_id = module.vultr_lib.dallas
  # etc. 
  os_id = module.vultr_lib.centos_7_x64
  # os_id = module.vultr_lib.ubuntu_1804_x64
  # os_id = module.vultr_lib.centos_7_x64
  # OR 
  os_id = module.vultr_lib.application
  app_id = module.vultr_lib.lemp_ubuntu_1804_x64
  # app_id = module.vultr_lib.docker_ubuntu_1804_x64
  # app_id = module.vultr_lib.gitlab_ubuntu_1804_x64