MMM-CalendarExt2 Page (Scene) Change Notification
nitewing76 opened this issue · 2 comments
When running MMM-pages + MMM-CalendarExt2 and rotationHomePage ≠ 0....when the timeout occurs and MM returns to the first page, but MMM-CalendarExt2 remains on the same calendar. It seems MMM-CalendarExt2 may need the notification "changeSceneByName" with a payload of...well, I'm not sure but the code is here at line 20.
"CALEXT2_SCENE_CHANGE" : { exec: (payload, sender) => { if (payload.type && payload.type == "id") { return "changeSceneById" } else if (payload.type && payload.type == "name") { return "changeSceneByName" } else { return null } },
Have you read the tips in the docs? Does this issue still occur after you follow that guide?
Yes I found that on the forums and moving manually works fine. Idk what is different or why, but I had to use:
scenes: [
name: "PAGE1",
name: "PAGE2",
name: "PAGE3",
className: "fakeScene"
Ironically, I moved on to something else and while searching for that answer, I just found the answer for this in a thread about Alexa (which I don't use)'s the 3rd notification that solves my issue:
exec: "sceneNext",
exec: "scenePrevious",
exec: "changeSceneById",
payload: (payload) => {return payload}