
Remove error message

ppsammartino opened this issue · 1 comments

I can't seem to remove completely the error message. I only need the validation given by the callback.
So when the input is empty and onKeyUp is activated, the message 'cannot be empty' displays.
I just want to remove that message but can't with the info given in the docs.

This is a minified version of the input I'm using

name={ name }
onChange={ (value, e) => {
this.handleChange(value, name)
value={ field.value }
validationCallback={res => {
let fields = this.state.fields;
fields[name].isValid = !res;
this.setState({ fields: fields}, () => {this.validate()})}
onKeyUp={ e => {} }
reg : reg,
showMsg: false,
regMsg: null,

Hi, I am very sorry that I have made this mistake by typing the wrong word. Thanks for your report. Please check v2.1.0, should be fixed this malfunctioning behavior.