
CSS style custom validation message

hgrbble1 opened this issue · 2 comments

How do you change the text color of the validation message and the border color from red to a different color?

in this case, you can only set the css rule to it directly, like

    color: blue;

if you are trying to make it work to a specific error message, I suggest you provide a className to the wrapper

// js
.errorBlueWrapper  .react-inputs-validation__msg___pxv8o react-inputs-validation__error___2aXSp{
    color: blue!important;

.errorBlueWrapper  input[type=number].react-inputs-validation__textbox__input___20hDL.react-inputs-validation__error___2aXSp, input[type=password].react-inputs-validation__textbox__input___20hDL.react-inputs-validation__error___2aXSp, input[type=phone].react-inputs-validation__textbox__input___20hDL.react-inputs-validation__error___2aXSp, input[type=text].react-inputs-validation__textbox__input___20hDL.react-inputs-validation__error___2aXSp{
  border:1px solid blue!important;
  color: blue!important;

note: the react-inputs-validation class name hash may have variation after each version update. So the save way to get it is by inspecting the element to locate the current classname


Thank you!