
This project was bootstrapped with Create React App and is written in Javascript. It utilizes ReactDnD to add the drag and drop mechanic and Empirica to handle server calls and data storage.


  1. Download (Linux only, check out for more): curl -fsS | sh
  2. Clone this repo: git clone
  3. Install JS packages for the client and server: cd collaboration-game/client; npm i; cd ../server; npm i; cd ..
  4. Run the server: empirica
  • If you want to clear the data and run the server (useful for testing): rm .empirica/local/tajriba.json; empirica

Primary Scripts

In the project directory, you can run:


Runs the app locally.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser, and http://localhost:3000/admin to navigate through the admin page.

rm .empirica/local/tajriba.json; empirica

Clears the data and runs the app locally. This command is preferred for debugging.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser, and http://localhost:3000/admin to navigate through the admin page.

In client/, you can run:

npm run eslint

Lints all .js, .jsx, and .ts files in client/.

npm run eslint-fix

Lints and tries to fix all .js, .jsx, and .ts files in client/.

Data Files

Data files are stored in settings/.


  • OnePlayerSetups and OnePlayerIntroSetup store the setups for the one player deployment. The former is an array of setups, while the latter is just one setup. A one player setup is expressed as an object in the following form:
    • name: A string that is the name of the setup.
    • goal: An array of the number of each kind of item the player must pick up to complete the round.
    • board: A 2D array of an array of items, where each item is represented by the index corresponding to the task in goal.
    • playerPositions: An array of positions, where each position is represented by an array of length 2 of the row and column of the position. For the one player setup, there should only be one position.
    • capacity: A integer representing the bag capacity.
  • TwoPlayerSetups and TwoPlayerIntroSetupstore the setups for the two player deployment. The former is an array of setups, while the latter is just one setup. This data structure is still in development to integrate into the new one player system.
  • Attempts is the number of attempts run for each setup.

IntroQuestions.jsx and ExitQuestions.jsx

The intro questions are presented as a comprehension check after the starter setup and have answers, while the exit questions are presented as an exit survey after the game is complete. In both files, questions are represented in the following form:

  • question: A string that is the question to be presented.
  • tag: A (short) string that represents the question (to be stored in the data).
  • type: Options are between 'mc' (Multiple choice), 'ms' (Multiselect), 'likert' (Likert scale), and 'fr' (Free response).
  • choices (Optional): Only required if 'mc' or 'ms'. An array of choices represented as strings.
  • answer (Optional, for intro): Currently only working for 'mc' or 'likert'. The answer to the question represented as the index of choices.
  • explanation (Optional, for intro): A string that is the explanation provided on a correct answer.
  • direction (Optional): Only required if 'mc' or 'ms'. Options are between 'row' or 'column'. The direction to display choices in. In the intro questions, questions are stored in an array. In the exit questions, questions are grouped into categories. The exit questions are an array of categories, where the categories are objects in the following form:
  • title: Title of the category
  • blurb (Optional): Blurb to display before the questions.
  • questions: The array of questions in the category


  • ITEM_NAMES: The item names to display in the dashboard.
  • COLORS: The item colors being displayed.