CS 182 Final Project -- PsychiaGPT: A finetuned BERT model (not GPT) to answer basic questions about depression and anxiety. Note most of this code is run on Colab.
To run the code, create a folder in the base of your Google Drive named 'Psychia' and put the contents of the repo into there. First, run the GPT2.ipynb to finetune the model, then run Transferlearning.ipynb to get the final model and results. You can run graphs.ipynb to generate some of our graphs from parameter sweeps generated by GPT2 Parameter Finetuning.ipynb.
best/ is a model generated using the best parameters, and more saved models can be found at https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ZqB-pRgvZ4LUvK5o3KmZgML_GaHkqjnv?usp=sharing
To run the BERT model, look at BERT/README.txt